The Art of Walking

20150519_152836It was in 2003 when I started with walking to lose weight. I just suddenly had the will to wake up and walk! Of course I’ve tried many times to make it a habit with my dad who’s been at it way longer than me. I just couldn’t leave the comfort of my bed, the softness of my pillow who seemed to be hugging me back and the coolness of my room at dawn.

Well, then one day I realized that as I was getting older I was also getting bigger. I saw it in my arms, in the bulges of my back. You wouldn’t call me fat outright but I was getting there. Been fat in my childhood, overweight in my teens and in my twenty something years- fat again was staring at me.

So I did it. Walking. Briskly walking or just dragging my feet, I walked the areas of Fort Bonifacio-so much more open spaces then, I felt so free. I walked the green hills shopping center alternately with fort boni. Early enough that the throngs of tiangge shoppers weren’t there yet. I even walked the rotunda of maysilo circle but I eventually gave in to my fear of dogs walking with their owners doing their exercises at the same time.

It gave me such a thrill to finish my 4 kilometer route in 45 minutes or less. To wipe away all that sweat that has gathered and imagine that it was the calories I was wiping away.

I lost 25lbs. In 5 months time. Seeing the numbers in the scale go down inspired me more. 4 years later, on my wedding day I was 105lbs. Walking down the aisle. Just right for my frame.

After almost 8 years and 2 kids after, my affair with brisk walking has been on and off. I couldnt just get up and go now. I have to check on the kids first before checking myself. Yes, I now have to check how I look before I go out just to walk and sweat. Everywhere I go, these fitness training buffs would exercise wearing designer training outfits and gear. From the cap, sunnies, water bottle and the shoes screaming Nike, Underarmour, Stella Mccartney and the like.

Now I have to make sure Im wearing at the very least a decent Giordano shirt over a not so old sweatpants.

Its nice to see beautiful clothes on these beautiful bodies. I myself felt good wearing dri fit shirts and Lululemon hoodies but sometimes wearing it made everything feel heavy and tiresome. Because Im not walking as freely as I was years ago. Because now I have to dress for the part.

There are days though that my family and I would walk or run around a newly opened park, almost having it only to ourselves. Never giving a mind to anything else but us together.

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